Now it's important to note that a lot of the lyrics I write are very intuitive, so there are many cases where I haven't realised what a song was about until the Bridge started forming, then I'd have an aha! moment and realise what I'd been on about up to that point. Icebreaker wasn't like that.. and it wasn't called Icebreaker until recently (all hail working name "Dynamic Song').
I started writing the lyrics for Icebreaker in the darkened, dingy depths of a student house in Leicester, fondly referred to as 'Edward House'. The guitar was already drafted out as per usual before I begin lyrics and I was watching an anime called 'Soul Eater'. Specifically, I was wondering what traits I found inspiring in a character called 'Blair'. If your reading this and you haven't seen Soul Eater I recommend you do (ignore the nude scenes), if you have seen Soul Eater you will know that Blair is a magical cat that can turn into a human. So this is where the beginnings of the song come from.. a magical cat.
Although, not exactly. It was more what I found inspiring in Blair, which is a character that has an uncanny ability to have fun and focus on "living in the moment" as it were. Not on some great career path or love pursuit or divine mission or whatever, just simply being themselves and enjoying life in the best way they can, for now. So a song came from that that celebrates the people in life who are exceptional at having fun and letting go, in the same way that people who are exceptional at motivating themselves or love or succeeding in more traditional ways are celebrated.
That may not make sense, I'm not sure but basically the song outlines the thoughts and feelings of someone inspiring in this way, in the sense that some people can be inspiring for being strong, smart or caring, who I would want to emulate. It starts with an imagined scenario where this fictional character wakes up after a night where they were embarrassed and hurt and how they dealt with that. Then goes on to explain there reasons for the way they act. "And I know I may have hesitations about wasting time after new sensations" - this line refers to the time that is "wasted" chasing after fun and the pressure they take from others to do something more tangibly worthwhile. "I'm just a debug away from new sensations" - refers to the need to get rid of any beliefs that are preventing them from new experiences. A lot of the song talks about overcoming a struggle to let themselves pursue what they truly value, despite that not being seen as an important goal in their life and despite being informed there are realities which they need to address and pursue: like getting rich or getting married. It's an Icebreaker in the sense that it's almost as if this person is introducing themselves and what they're about to someone they've just met.
Anyway sorry if I've confused you, the song is open to interpretation and is a celebration of these traits, I'm not saying everyone should emulate them but that I'm glad there are people that do, as being exceptional at having fun is important.
Here are the lyrics for Icebreaker:
off, this old lost love,
on, the world like I knew I would,
an irony line, I don’t wanna make you jealous,
taken time, to love like no-one ever,
in the mirror, I see nothing perfect,
hit the ground last night knowing the risks,
tip-top way to marry a tiff,
I know I might have hesitations,
wasting time after new sensations,
not that I’m scared of me,
that I take my time clearing these realities,
just a debug away from new sensations,
takes a long, long time to fill it with my expectations,
not worried about my life, I know that everything’s alright,
fact I could stand here all day, running around after nothing today,
out, any tear toxic garbage,
away, it’s my new day!
run around like I’m nothing else,
take the time to enjoy myself,
my time to shine as I wish,
my life to do as I see fit,
I know I can take it slow or fast,
knows? How long I’ll last?
Alright, I just said,
Some thoughts that whirl around inside my head,
And as I take my time to share my life,
I'll find a clue that leads to extraordinary things,
Or I'll tell you a lie and see if you believe,
It seems I run,
On expectation,
It seems I run,
On expectation,
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